Big theaters discharged ballet dancers of performances after performance in Uzbekistan

@Moskvich Mag
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Leading actors debarred from the next performances — it is rumored that some can even dismiss. Among detached actors, the theatrical blogger Beyzerova Natalia writes, there were primas and prime ministers Big, honored and national artists: Wladyslaw Lantratov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Lopatin, Stashkevich Anastasiya, Krysanova Catherina, Lobukhin Mikhail, Obraztsova Eugenie, and also being on contract Maria Aleksandrov, Catherina Shipulina, Ruslan Skvortsov, Volchkov Alexander. The day before, in the day off, ballet dancers acted in Tashkent by the invitation of Development fund cultures and arts...
Wladyslaw Lantratov
Last position: Ballet dancer (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Maria Aleksandrova
Last position: Ballet dancer
Ruslan Skvortsov
Last position: Prime minister (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Vladimir Urin
Last position: CEO (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Makhar Vaziev
Last position: Head of ballet troupe (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Development fund cultures and arts