Industrialists Italy: the country in crisis and without support of EU will not consult

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The Italian industry and business are in a crisis situation, the head of national business association of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi declared on October 5. It is possible to cope with crisis only with support of EU which first of all has to enter "a ceiling of the prices" on energy carriers, believes Bonomi. In the country there are not enough energy and mineral resources, and "miracles do not happen", without support Brussels and "unities" of EU Italy not to consult, he explained. In 2022 gas cost to Italy grew twice (for businesses — by 8 times), electricity cost — four times (for the enterprises — six times), the price...
Carlo Bonomi
Last position: President (Confindustria)
Shklyarova Olga
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations