Cows Krasnodar uchkhoza give 41 tons milks in day

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Cows Krasnodar uchkhoza give 41 tons milks in day of the Photo: The TV channel "Krasnodar" the Educational pilot farm the "Krasnodar", stretched fields and farms in the settlement Azure, daily delivers milk for processing in Leningradsky rayon and Korenovsk district. It works so all the year round, ensuring food safety the city and all edge. milks made million tons in Kuban this year. It is nearly 5% more in comparison with the same period of last year, the governor of edge reported. Considerable contribution makes uchkhoz "Krasnodar" which is structural division of FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATIONSTATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION...
Maxime Slyusarev
Last position: First deputy head (Administration of the municipal entity Krasnodar city)
Pavel Aleksandrovich Nosalenko
Last position: Director of Stud farm of educational-experimental farm "Krasnodar" (FGBOU VO KUBAN STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION)
Alexander Ivanovich Trubilin
Last position: Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Krasnodar Krai
Veniamin Kondratyev
Main activity:Science and education