"To anybody even to mind did not come". For what gave the Nobel Prize on medicine

@RIA Novosti
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© Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" / Alexander Kryazhev Moscow, 5 Oct — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Strekopytov Wladyslaw. The winner Nobel Prize on physiology or medicine became Swedish paleogenetik Svante Paabo — for "the opening concerning genomes of died-out hominids and evolution of the person". He the first sekveniroval a genome of the Neanderthal man, and also found group of the ancient people called by denisovets, and proved that they were a separate branch in evolution of the person. And it only iceberg top. The whole scientific direction grew from a method of the analysis ancient DNA which was developed by the scientist. In search of sources In the 2022nd came to the end...
Alexander Kryazhev
Last position: Press photographer (Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti")
Svante Paabo
Last position: Director of the department of genetics (MPI-EVA)
Strekopytov Wladyslaw
Khaytovich Philipp
Main activity:Science and education
Californian university