Sergei Vislenev is appointed director general "Innovative mobility"

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Sergei Vislenev the Biography In 2005 graduated from faculty of technical cybernetics FGAOU IN SPBPA, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETRA VELIKOGO in "The information security organization", and in 2017 finished training at the Highest school business information scientists of FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE AUTONOMNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI" on specialization "MBA Strategic management information systems". In 2022 passed the degree CTDO program at the Moscow school management "Skolkovo" ("Management digital transformation"). From 2001 to 2016 worked in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSZHELDORPROEKT" where passed a way from the engineer 3...