About meetings of the Ambassador Belarus V. Beskosty with the vice-chairman of Cabinet of Ministers and General director Agencies transports and communications Turkmenistan

@MID Respubliki Belarus'
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On September 30, 2022 the meeting of the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Belarus in Turkmenistan Vyacheslav Beskosty with the Vice-chairman of the Cabinet Turkmenistan Annageldi Orazberdievich Yazmyradov took place during which questions mutual trades by production of agrarian and industrial complex, prospects of deliveries of the Belarusian equipment for needs Ministry Selskoye farms of Turkmenistan are considered. October 1, 2022. The ambassador Belarus V. Beskosty also met Director general Agencies transports and communications at the Cabinet Turkmenistan, the cochairman Mezhpravitelstvenna Belorussko-Turkmenskoy...