Wladyslaw Mikhaylovich Artemyev spoke a victory on the Chess Stars tournament

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Moscow, 3 Oct - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti", Bogatov Oleg. The winner of competitions in slow motion on the Chess Stars tournament the Russian Wladyslaw Mikhaylovich Artemyev declared Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti" that is not really strongly surprised with success as this type of chess plays at quite good level. Wladyslaw Mikhaylovich Artemyev gathered 6,5 points from 9. The second place was taken by the Azerbaijanian Teymur Borisovich Radzhabov (5,5), the third - Indian Raunak Sadvani (5,5). Tournament takes place on a platform "Vegas City Crocus" in Moscow. On October 3 master classes and sessions of simultaneous game, on October 4-5 - tournament on a blitz will take place. "Thanks for congratulations on a victory, - Wladyslaw Mikhaylovich Artemyev told. - But I wanted...