CHELOVEK-PRAZDNIK. On TV channel "Pervy kanal" – the premiere of the documentary film about Maxime Averin "As to me is pleasant to be the king! "

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TV channel "Pervy kanal" will show a premiere of the documentary film about Maxime Averin, played Peter I in the large-scale historical and adventure saga "Cathedral" which goes these days on the channel. The project about Maxime Averin, received the name "As to me is pleasant to be the king! ", look on Saturday, October 1. Online air TV channel "Pervy kanal" it is free and in high quality it is available here. Maxime Averin – the actor, whose smile submits at first sight. It already in itself brand! And his inexhaustible optimism and cheerfulness can be held up another as an example. "Person sun", "person holiday", "person champagne" – so speak...
Vladimir Vyatkin
Last position: Photographer, journalist, newspaper photographer, teacher
Alexander Schirvindt
Main activity:Official
Maxime Averin
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry")
Sergei Ginzburg
Last position: Actor, director, producer
Producer center IVAN