The ambassador China estimated development trades with Russian Federation

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Russian Federation and China will continue to develop cooperation in trade, following the results of a year commodity turnover between the countries can reach record level, the Chinese ambassador in Moscow Chzhan Khankhuey declared. "This year in the face of a difficult international situation, a pandemic Koronavirus and other heartrending experiences, the Chinese-Russian trade and economic cooperation showed big flexibility and, contrary to the general tendencies, showed impressive growth" — quotes the diplomat of Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The ambassador noted that during the period from January to August, 2022 volume trades between the countries exceeded $117,2 billion that...
Chzhan Khankhuey
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy People's Republic of China in of the Russian Federation)
Shilov Yvan