In RAMTE will continue readings "ALOUD"

@Zhurnal Teatr
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On September 30 in the Black room RAMTA there will take place the dramatized reading of the first book Bershadskaya Maria from the cycle "Big Little Girl" (the director — Belyaeva Julia). On the same day theater invites the audience to lecture of the curator of book programs Orlova Maria and a book fair. Until the end of 2022 of RAMT plans to carry out 4 more readings of the ALOUD project. Let's remind, the first season "ALOUD" passed in 2021. Young directors together with actors RAMTA carried out readings of modern literature for children, and visit of events of the project was (and remains) for the audience free. The second season began in May, 2022. For...
Marfa Gorvits
Last position: Actress, director
Alexandra Arons
Last position: Actress (RAMT)
Maxime Kerin
Last position: Actor (RAMT)
 Anna Kovalyova
Last position: Actress (RAMT)
Yvan Pachin
Last position: Chief director (State budget cultural institution of the Tver region "Youth theater")