The oil company Colombia Ecopetrol of SA increased deliveries oil to Europe

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The Colombian state oil Ecopetrol of SA increased export of oil products to the European countries against reduction of deliveries of raw materials from Russian Federation. About it reports agency to information agency "Reuters", referring to the director of Ecopetrol of SA Felipe Bayon Pardo, transfers Day.Az with reference to information portal "Gazeta.Ru". In conversation with agency Felipe Bayon Pardo declared that this year company will drill 600 new wells." Oil production grows, and we want to be sure that it will continue to grow", - quotes information agency "Reuters" the director of Ecopetrol of SA. By data agencies, in 2022 the company exports about 40-50% of oil to Asia. It is noted that in the past...
Felipe Bayon Pardo
Last position: President (CJSC "RAMAKS SERVICES")
Main activity:Production of coke, oil products and nuclear materials