In Starominskaya district the driver who is repeatedly operating the vehicle in a state of intoxication, is condemned by 1 year of imprisonment

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Starominskaya district district court Krasnodar territory pronounced a sentence concerning the 47-year-old inhabitant of Rostov-on-Don. He is found guilty of the commission of crime, provided by part 2 of Art. 264.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (management by the mechanical vehicle the person which is in a state of intoxication, having a criminal record for the commission of crime, the criminal code of Russian Federation provided by Art. 264.1). It is established that in June, 2022 on highway "Azov-old Minsk" on Starominskaya district is stopped by employees of OGIBDD of department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Honda in an alcohol intoxication. During check...