On LLC "TV channel "SPAS" started a cycle of programs "Cinema and Meanings"

@Pravoslavnyj zhurnal «Foma»
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From a site Pixabay LLC "TV channel "SPAS" presented to gagnonm1993 photo the first release of the new project – a cycle of programs "Cinema and Meanings". The first episode of the project is devoted to the sign movie of the 1960th years – the picture "Commissioner" based on the story Grossman Vasilii "In the city of Berdichev". Removed in 1967 the director Askoldov Alexander the picture lay more than 20 years on the shelf. And why in 2022 it is worth looking or reconsidering "Commissioner"? Guests of the first release speak about it. "The cinema and meanings" is television and online a film society. In total project consists of 12 parts, everyone them which are included by display in...
Grossman Vasilii
Askoldov Alexander
Vodynski Vera
Vereykin Sergei
LLC "TV channel "SPAS"
Main activity:Culture and sports
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