To Russian Federation will begin construction a new mobile network along iron roads

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The authorities prolonged permission to use of frequencies to the operator who conducts negotiations from Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi" about start Network 5G along iron roads. Attempts to provide the high-speed Internet in trains are undertaken more than ten years of the Photo: Sharifulin Valery / information agency "ITAR-TASS" State Committee on Radio Frequency (GKRCh — the main body which is engaged in distribution of this resource to Russian Federation) prolonged on August 18 for ten years to group of companies "Antares" permission to use of a strip of the frequencies of 1900-1920 MHz for rendering services mobile communication. daily business newspaper "RBK daily" told three sources about it in the telecommunication market and the interlocutor...
Musa Bazhaev
Last position: President, Chairman of the board of directors (LLC "Russkaya Platina")
Vladimir Yakunin
Last position: Head of the department of a state policy of faculty of political science (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Denise Kuskov
Last position: CEO (LLC "Telecom Deyli")
Sharifulin Valery
Roytman Eugenie
Network 5G
Network 4G