At movie theaters left the movie "Promise" shot in Krasnodar Territory

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A photo open sources on big screens left on September 22 the criminal drama "Promise". The part of shootings of a picture passed in Goryachy Klyuch in the fall of last year. Leading roles in the movie played Bezrukova Irina, Chadov Andrey, Oleg Aleksandrovich Metelev, Kamenshchikov Oleg. The director and the screenwriter of a picture Davoyan Araik (under a pseudonym Red Ray) — the inhabitant Krasnodar Territory, also executed one of the leading roles in the movie. Locals took part in mass meeting Krasnodar Territory. For some scenes even local school students were involved. The subject line begins with that the robber from the small...
Oleg Aleksandrovich Metelyov
Last position: Actor (State independent cultural institution KK Krasnodar city drama theater)
Bezrukova Irina
Chadov Andrey
Kamenshchikov Oleg
Davoyan Araik
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