Tkachenko Nikita won bronze at competition "Woodcutter-2022"

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The student colleges FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "UGLTU", TO UGLT URALSKY STATE TIMBER UNIVERSITY, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "URALSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY LESOTEKHNICHESKY UNIVERSITY" Tkachenko Nikita became the bronze prize-winner of the championship Russian Federation among valshchik of the wood "Woodcutter-2022" who took place in Krasnoyarsk. On start there were 74 participants 17 regions of the country. Participants of competitions showed the skills in the nominations: "Operators with petrolmotor saws" and "Operators of cars". They showed the skill in a wood roll, a buck and a scrap of boughs, and also in relay. And we need to add that help in preparation to chemipionatu was rendered by Stihl AG...