Sergey Sobyanin declared end of a driving of the first tunnel of the Ruble and Arkhangelsk line of the subway

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Builders finished a driving of the first tunnel of the Ruble and Arkhangelsk line of the Moscow subway, Sergey Sobyanin. The mayor Moscow noted that this year the main works on construction the Big ring line that opens possibility of constructions new radial lines which will join BKL will come to the end. "It first of all such lines, as Ruble and Arkhangelsk, Biryulevsky and Troitsk branches of the subway. The Troitsk branch of the subway is in an active stage of constructions, Biryulevskaya – in a stage...
Sergey Sobyanin
Last position: Mayor (Moscow Government)
Andrey Bochkarev
Last position: Deputy Mayor for Urban Development and Construction (Moscow Government)