At LLC "Theater "BUFF" in a big way celebrated birthday of the honored artist Russian Federation Mikhail Nikolaevich Tryasorukov

@Peterburgskij dnevnik
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The master of a comedy was 60 years old In Saint Petersburg LLC "Theater "BUFF" in a big way celebrated birthday of the honored artist Russian Federation Mikhail Nikolaevich Tryasorukov. The actor was 60 years old, reports broadcasting company "Sankt-Peterburg". Mikhail Nikolaevich Tryasorukov is the master of a comedy. To its bright roles at theater even devoted exhibition in the foyer. Mikhail Nikolaevich Tryasorukov was in love with theater since the childhood, but thus actively played sports. After schools entered institute physical culture, gained the diploma, and after decided on the second highest education – actor's. After a year of study at theatrical institute...