In Venezuela the thunder-storm caused a fire at oil refining plant

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The lightning stroke led to emergence of a major fire at oil refinery in a seaport Puerto La Cruz in the east Venezuela, the Venezuelan minister of oil Tarek Zaydan el-Ayssami Madda on air of VTV TV channel reported on September 19. The object belongs the national oil and gas companies Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.. The lightning struck in a lagoon where oxidation and water purification was carried out. El-Ayssami noted that the fire did not mention tanks with oil, and also a processing complex. The minister did not begin to specify, whether there are victims during incident. As reported information agency "REGNUM", on September 15 in the district of Judet of Valcea in the southwest Romania...
Tarek el-Ayssami
Last position: Vice-president for questions of economy and finance (Government Bolivarian Republic Venezuela)
Main activity:Mining