Noble small suitcase Kusakova Vera

@Gazeta 'Marijskaja pravda'
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We continue the publication of materials a special project "Our homeland. History pages". Let's remind, the project is realized together with website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" and the historical popular scientific russian historical illustrated magazine "Rodina". Nicholas Borisov, "the Historical russian historical illustrated magazine "Rodina" Touching family documents - invaluable historical sources - opened to the descendant of a family of great antiquity in the Fall of 1982 in hospital Lobnya at the age of 87 years Kusakova Vera - one of the few surviving representatives of a family of great antiquity Kusakov died. Having lived all life in deep poverty, without having managed to get a family, Kusakova Vera ...
Nicholas Borisov
Last position: The head of the department of history of Russia before the beginning of the 19th century (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Kusakova Vera
Kusakova Valentina
Borisov Sergei
Andreev Leonid