The ex-player of "Real" Royston Rikki Drente about career: "Thought that I am a god, too loved women and parties. I did everything incorrectly"
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The former player of "Real" Royston Rikki Drente told about the reasons which have prevented it to become a star. The Dutch passed into "Real" in 2007 for 14 million euros in 20 years, but could not be fixed in structure. Now the 35-year-old football player supports "Rasing Merida" from the 6th division of Spain. "I was not ready to become a professional. I thought that I am a god, I too loved women and parties. If you want to be at top, these things cannot be combined. There is a life of the player, and there is a private life. They can be mixed only sometimes. The most difficult for me was to realize that I have to change the life immediately. Now I understand that...