The Soviet singer and the actress Kudelya Nadezhda ] die

@Rossijskaja gazeta
Show original Died the Soviet, Ukrainian singer and the actress Kudelya Nadezhda . Ukraine reported country mass media about death of the national actress. Kudelya Nadezhda was born on October 15, 1936 in Raguli's village in Stavropol Territory. Education received in National musical academy Ukraine named after P. I. Chaykovskogo in a class of the national actress of USSR, the singer and actresses Donets Maria - Tesseyr. In student's years won at the World festival of youth Vienna in the 1959th. In 1964 became the winner Competitions to Enesco's name to Romania, in the 1967th - a diplomantka Competitions young singers to Bulgaria. In the 1960-1980th years - the soloist of the Kiev opera. In...
Kudelya Nadezhda
Donets Maria
Kiyevskaya conservatory
Main activity:Culture and sports
Natsionalny university