The new superheroine "the Captain of America" scarified because of the Israeli origin

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In new "the Captain America" will appear the Israeli superheroine Sabra who was scarified by fans, reports weekly magazine "Variety". At exhibition D23 Expo Disney and Marvel Studios LLC were declared accession of a star of mini-series "Heterodox" by Shira Khaas to Marvel film Universe. The actress will play a role of the Israeli superheroine Sabra in the fourth movie about the Captain to America — "The Captain America: New world order". In Sabr's original comics — the mutant, working as the agent of "Mossad". Because of the origin and work on the Israeli intelligence service, Sabra caused ambiguous reaction in audience. So, based...
Shira Khaas
Last position: Actress
Marvel Studios
Main activity:Culture and sports