«Ноттингем Форест» проиграл «Фулхэму», пропустив 3 мяча за 6 минут

«Ноттингем Форест» потерпел четвёртое поражение кряду, неудачно сыграв против «Фулхэма...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Evro-futbol.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Jessie Alice Lingard
Main activity:Athlete
Remo Froyler
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Atalanta")
Aleksandar Mitrovich
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Administration of the Kurchatov district of the Kursk region)
Carlos Vinisius Alves Moraes
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
FC "Nottingem Forest"
Main activity:Culture and sports