The secretary general of the POLISARIO FRONT participated in a ceremony of inauguration of chapter Angola

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The secretary general of the POLISARIO FRONT and the president unrecognized Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) Braim Ghali visited the capital Angola with official visit. About it on September 16 reports Saharawi Press Agency. According to journalists, Ghali arrived to Angola by the invitation of the president of the country to Laurence Zhoao for participation in a ceremony of its inauguration for the second term. Together with Ghali Angola was visited by delegation of the government (SADR) as a part of officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Journalists note that Galya's invitation shows support by Angola to independence Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic from...
Bragim Gali
Last position: President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (President of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)
Laurence Zhoao