The movie Boris Akopov "KET" is released today: the premiere took place in CINEMA "OKTYABR"

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Special display of the movie "KET" of the graduate the VGIK of the director Boris Akopov took place in CINEMA "OKTYABR" within "KARO.ART" on September 14. "KET" ─ the second director's work Boris Akopov, whose name a big cinema learned in 2019. Let's remind that the debut feature film Boris Akopov the "Bull" removed in Production center "VGIK Debut", won awards on prestigious film festivals, including the Grand Prix Kinotavr and the first prize of competitions "To the East from the West" MKF in Karlovy Vary. The picture "Cat" is shot in movie company "STELLA" with assistance of FUND "KINOPRAYM" and support Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation...