To Kirov Region after intervention of prosecutor's offices salary for total amount more than 4,7 million rubles] is paid to 30 employees of the motor transportation enterpris

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Interregional prosecutor's office of the Vyatskiye Polyany district of the Kirov region carried out an inspection of observance of the labor legislation in activity LLC "KRASNOPOLYANSKAYA MOTOR TRANSPORT COLUMN". During check the fact of violation of terms of payments salaries during the period from January to August, 2022 to 30 employees of the enterprise for total amount more than 4,7 million rubles is elicited. For elimination of the revealed violations of the law the interdistrict prosecutor sent to court statements of claim with the requirement about compulsory collecting in favor of citizens of a debt on salary. Claim requirements are recognized by court lawful and reasonable. Intervention...