The prosecutor of Kalininsky okrug Tyumen Eugenie Kondrashkin together with the member of Civic chamber of Tyumen Nadezhda Gomel visited HEY TO and DPO DREAM "The regional center of active longevity, gerontology and rehabilitation...

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The prosecutor of Kalininsky okrug Tyumen Eugenie Kondrashkin together with the member of Civic chamber of Tyumen Nadezhda Gomel visited HEY TO and DPO DREAM "Regional Center of Active Longevity, Gerontology and Rehabilitation" and held a meeting with elderly people temporarily living there. Eugenie Kondrashkin during conversation took an interest at the persons staying in the center, accommodation conditions, providing with medicines and medical products, timeliness of receiving pension payments. The prosecutor also explained to citizens the right to address in prosecutor's office in case of violation of their rights or...
Eugenie Kondrashkin
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of the Tyumen region)