As there was the Soviet Aladdin's destiny after deafening popularity

@N'ju Inform
Show original the Leading role in the Soviet movie "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" were played by 21-year-old Boris Bystrov. The exit of a tape brought to the actor deafening popularity, to consult with which he did not manage, writes BLITZ%2B. The cross on further actor's career Boris Bystrov put alcohol. Because of binge appearance of the actor changed not to the best, thus he strongly grew plump. Directors any more did not want to see in a shot of the actor. Later Boris Bystrov coped with the problems and began to work as the actor of a postscoring. His son Nikolay too preferred to devote himself to this business...
Boris Bystrov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")