The latest news about a situation around Ukraine for September 10, 2022: the Polish tanks Kiev did not help Kiev, the ships of NATO are undermined because of Ukrainians when release of Donetsk People's Republic] will come to the en

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Romanians were blown up on the Ukrainian mine In the Black Sea the Romanian military ship was undermined on a mine. The crew was warned about drifting in 25 miles from port Constanța to a mine. But to neutralize ammunition because of a strong wind and excitement Romanians could not — and the mine detonated. Ministry defenses Romania reported: "Victims and injured with explosion are not present. 75 seamen out of danger, buoyancy of a vessel did not suffer". Earlier there passed information that the military ships Turkey and Bulgaria neutralized about three tens Ukrainian mines which Odesa and Ochakovo towards Bulgarian drifted from the area and...