Ratmir Rafilovich Mavliev charged to open a kindergarten in Kuznetsovsk the backwater this year News Republic of Bashkortostan and Ufa

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Chapter of Administration of the city district Ufa city of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ratmir Rafilovich Mavliev in social networks told about construction kindergartens in Kuznetsovsk the backwater. "The contractor did not calculate force and means. Today there 10 people though have to – 50-60 work. Soon we will take measures as soon as possible to order small architectural forms, to execute improvement and internal finishing", - Ratmir Rafilovich Mavliev told. Chapter Moscow Government noted that readiness is rather high and set the task that the kindergarten began work this year. Also Ratmir Rafilovich Mavliev looked as there is construction Pugachev Street and outcomes and...