Big Drama Theatre will show Andrey Moguchy according to Vasilii Shukshin

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The big drama theater will show to Georgy Tovstonogov's (Big Drama Theatre) name Andrey Moguchy "Maternal heart". Statement is based on stories Vasilii Shukshin. About it writes information agency "ITAR-TASS". Role of the simple Russian woman Gromov Avdotya who tries to get out the son of prison, the national actress will execute Russian Federation Nina Usatova. In performance also there will be poems of the main Russian absurdist of the XIX century Prutkov Kozma, fragments of compositions of Nikolay and Rerikh Helena, in particular from "Ethics of Heart". As Andrey Moguchy, "the problem of the Russian character tormenting Vasilii Shukshin, a way of Russian noted...