Residents of Vologda invite to look at a photo exhibition "Rubtsov Nicholas and the author's song" and to listen to melodies on verses of the poet

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In days of the XXV Open festival of poetry and music "The Rubtsovsk fall" the Vologda regional scientific library invites to presentation of a photo exhibition Koshelev Andrey and Marina Koshelevykh "Rubtsov Nicholas and the author's song", and also to the concert Cranes program where songs on Rubtsov Nicholas performed by known Vologda collectives will be heard. The leader of a concert – Dragunov Mikhail, the actor TRAAM (Saint Petersburg). Actions will take place on September 14. Beginning at 10:00. The works which are part of the big project will be presented to expositions "Cranes. Photo gallery...
Vadim Yegorov
Last position: Singer, teacher, poet, guitarist
Rubtsov Nicholas
Koshelev Andrey
Dragunov Mikhail
Main activity:Culture and sports