The city to Murmansk Region becomes the sworn brother of Hungarian Kalocsa

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Murmansk, on September 9 - Aif-Murmansk. The head of Polyarnye Zori Maxime Pukhov in the Telegram-channel reported that the delegation of the city works to Hungary. "Let's sign the agreement with the mayor of Kalocsa Filvig Geza about development the twinning relations, - it is spoken in the message. - Despite Russophobic moods in Europe, with Hungarians all in a different way. Hungary defends the interests and takes an accurate pro-Russian position, despite very serious pressure from outside EU". By the way, Kalocsa - the satellite of the nuclear power plant Paks where State corporation "Rosatom" begins construction the new nuclear power plant according to the Russian project. For Hungarians experience is important...
Maxime Pukhov
Last position: Head of the municipality (Administration of the Polyarnye Zori city with tributary area)
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water