The daughter Alexander Nikolaevich Naumov was surprised popularity of series "Real Boys" at her contemporaries

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A shot from series "Real Boys" the Actor Nicholas Aleksandrovich Naumov told that Amin's his daughter was surprised when learned that all her contemporaries watch the soap opera "Real Boys". The successor Nicholas Aleksandrovich Naumov did not know that occurs in a tape in spite of the fact that her father plays there one of leading roles. "It returned from summer camp and was surprised that all her contemporaries know series. And they were strongly shocked and surprised that it is not aware of the events in a shot. But washing Amin very adult and responsible person, she understands that occurs therefore we smiled, laughed. Its reaction was...
Alexander Nikolaevich Naumov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater na Yugo-Zapade")