The Russian official apologized for illegal eviction of the pensioner from the apartment
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The official from Ryazan apologized for illegal eviction of the pensioner Galina Subbotin the Head of the Lesnovsky city settlement Arlashina Lyubov admitted that illegally moved the pensioner Galina Subbotin from the apartment. The official from Ryazan publicly apologized before the victim, transfers information portal "Komsomolskaya pravda". Incident took place in 2018. The administration of the settlement transferred the apartment of the Russian to the possession to the doctor from Tajikistan. Illegality of the transaction was recognized later by prosecutor's office. "I apologize for excess of the powers of office and I urge officials to make the actions according to...
Galina Subbotin
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Arlashina Lyubov
Dzhafarov Emin