The Belarusian musical theater for the first time will give tours in Krasnodar

@Kubanskie novosti
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Actors from Minsk will participate in an operetta festival which will take place in the regional center from October 2 to October 9. For the first time in Krasnodar with tours the Belarusian state academic musical theater will act. Actors from Minsk will participate in an operetta festival to anniversary Imre Kalman which will take place in "Premiere" on October 2-9. As specified in the press service THAT "Prime minister", on October 2 guests will show the operetta "Silva" directed by the director Tsiryuk Susanna. The Belarusian theaters – the operetta "The Duchess from Chicago" – the Krasnodar audience will be able to estimate premier statement on October 3. Let's remind...
Andrey Sergeev
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater named after Mossoveta")
Imre Kalman
Tsiryuk Susanna
Chaykovsky Petr
Grishanin Anton