The artist from Philippines presented, celebrities as though looked, be they heroes of Disney's animated films

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You never reflected, what will be if heroes of animated films of Disney suddenly find human shape? Moreover what! How about the Cinderella as Taylor Alison Svift or Billy Aylish Payrat Berd O’Konnell which instead of Alice got to a wonderland? The artist self-educated person from Philippines did not begin to wait for André Mangouba long when his favourite stars will invite to a casting for roles of princesses and princes to fantastic kingdoms. He took business in hand and showed, celebrities if applied for roles of heroes of Disney's animated films as though looked. The result is worthy praises! Billy Aylish Payrat Berd O’Konnell in a wonderland the New complex story...
Taylor Alison Svift
Last position: Singer, actress, author of songs
Arianne Grande-Butera
Last position: Actress, singer
Kamila Karraro Mendes
Last position: Actress