The festive event devoted to the 100 anniversary of educations of Prosecutor's office Ivanovo region] took plac

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The prosecutor Ivanovo Region Oleg Yurasov addressed to present with the congratulatory speech: Dear colleagues, guests, veterans! In 2022 bodies of Prosecutor's office Ivanovo region celebrate two significant dates: 300 anniversary of prosecutor's offices Russian Federation and 100 anniversary of Prosecutor's office Ivanovo region! This anniversary year there is a wish to note that here three centuries bodies of prosecutor's offices Russian Federation, having endured change of eras, serve as a stronghold of an order and legality of the Russian State! According to archival documents, for the first time the question of creation of prosecutor's offices in Ivanovo - Voznesenskaya of the province is mentioned at meeting...
Oleg Yurasov
Main activity:Official
Stanislav Voskresensky
Last position: Governor (Government of the Ivanovo region)
Mikhail Mikhaylovich Kalashnikov
Last position: Chief federal Ivanovo region inspector (Office of the President'S Authorized Representative of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District)
Marina Dmitriev
Last position: Chairman (Ivanovo regional Council)