The prosecutor of Goryachy Klyuch held the state charge on criminal case concerning the man who has committed murder of the 36-year-old son

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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City Court of the Goryachy Klyuch city of the Krasnodar Territory pronounced a sentence to the 59-year-old local. He is found guilty of the commission of crime, the criminal code of Russian Federation (murder) provided p.1 by Art. 105. In court it is established that the former serviceman on May 1, 2022 drank alcoholic beverages with the 36-year-old son then between it the conflict which has developed into a fight was tied. During fight the father strangled the son. In commission of crime the man admitted guilt partially, having explained to court that took measures to self-defense after the son began to beat it. After a while after the conflict it approached to the son, having thought that that calmed down, but...