As stars of "Jumble" whom we remembered children now look: actors of "Jumble" then now

@Novyj ochag
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How live Ivashchenko Maria, Anfisa Chernykh and other young stars of "Jumble"? Rybakova Maria Rybakova Maria got to "Jumble" by a lucky chance: the girl came to be tried to a role in the movie "Death of the Pioneer". Ivashchenko Maria is a lot of and loudly laughed that failed tests, but in the next studio "Jumble" where it just had by the way was removed. Late Rybakova Maria graduated from GITIS. Now it professional director and producer, and also teacher of acting. Ivashchenko Maria Ivashchenko Maria was brought up in a creative family: her father — the actor and the musician. Perhaps for this reason girl long not...
Stanislas Aleksandrovich Raskachaev
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Boris Grachevsky
Main activity:Cultural worker
Ivashchenko Maria
Rybakova Maria