In Moscow shootings of the fantastic tragicomedy "Loaders" came to the end. It will come out in October

@Afisha Daily
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In Moscow shootings of the fantastic tragicomedy "Loaders" — the project of brothers of Philip and Yershov Alexander Yershov came to the end. The series will come out in October, 2022, reported Institute developments Internet. The project is created by company "Akvilon Media" with IRI support. He tells about two guys who have got stuck in space between the world of live and the world of the dead. One of heroes Yershov Philipp played, another — Danil Steklov. On a plot their characters die, but get chance to live further, every day waking up in bodies of people unfamiliar to them. Possibility of regeneration allows Vit and Borya (so call heroes)...