New civil war to Lybia

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In 2022 Lybia "celebrated" the 11th anniversary of the end of revolution as a result of which the mode Muammar Mokhammed Abdel Salyam Khamid Abu Menyar al-Kaddafi was overthrown. However the holiday turned out a little greased. In spite of the fact that overthrow Muammar Mokhammed Abdel Salyam Khamid Abu Menyar al-Kaddafi moved the western mass media as "a democracy celebration", de facto it laid the foundation to a train of the infinite military conflicts, in "war of all against all" style. Without having managed to seize power in the hands, opponents Muammar Mokhammed Abdel Salyam Khamid Abu Menyar al-Kaddafi from the movement "Dawn of Libya" and other opposition parties fell out among themselves. The country parliament led by the speaker Agila Salekh Issa left Tripoli and located in...