To students of NGLU, being trained under financial contracts, it is necessary to make payment of training for 1 semester till September 1

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To ATTENTION of STUDENTS of NGLU, being TRAINED UNDER FINANCIAL CONTRACTS! Payment of training for the first semester 2022-2023 uch.g. it is necessary to make till 01.09.2022. The form of receipts on payment can be received in TsFDSPU (aud.1103) or by e-mail, having directed request for e-mail: In the letter to specify a full name of the student, the group number, the highest school / institute in which the student studies. Requisites for training payment in NGLU: Federal treasury department po Nizhny Novgorod region (NGLU p/a 20326U08370) an INN of 5260047352 check points of 526001001 p/c 03214643000000013200 Volga-Vyatka GU of BANK RUSSIA//UFK on Nizhny Novgorod Region Nizhny...