The most popular books picturized for the last year] are calle

@RIA Novosti
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Moscow, 26 Aug — Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". By Day of the Russian cinema "Litres" made a rating of the books most popular with Russians which have become a basis for film adaptations, the service press service reports. "The science-fiction novel "Dune" Franklin Patrick Gerbert-mladshy became the leader of a rating. On the second place — the Japanese thriller "Train of Murderers" of Kotaro Isak, Julia Quinn's "Bridzhertona's" historical series" closes top-3 — is spoken in the press release. On the fourth line — "Eterna's Reflections" Vera Kamsha, on the fifth — the novel Victor Pelevin "Empire V". On the sixth and seventh position — memoirs Gay Sarah Vorden "Gucci's House. Sensational story...
Vera Kamsha
Last position: Writer, journalist
Victor Pelevin
Main activity:Cultural worker
Gay Sarah
Christina Agatha
Warner Bros
Main activity:Culture and sports