The actor from "Interns" Maxim Pinsker] die

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In Moscow on the 59th year of life the actor Maxim Pinsker died, the former wife Irina reported it about it. "Tomorrow there will be an opening, and we will precisely know that occurred. In hospital died, in Moscow", – provides her words of information agency "ITAR-TASS". Maxim Pinsker was born on February 5, 1964 in Moscow. It graduated from School-Studio Mkhat (the course Yvan Mikhaylovich Tarkhanov), served in Theatre Mayakovsky. Pinsker received popularity thanks to roles in series "Call center", "Interns", "Hour of Volkov", to movies "Fool", "Heavyweight". Also the actor worked over scoring of audiobooks and acted in teleprojects. On August 16 it became known of death national...