Irina Krasnopolskaya, Hera Truda Russian Federation: Me expelled from a court hall

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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I can brag: On August 24, 2022 woke up the well-known. Hot news report Internet that judge, considering in Regional court of Moscow business of the Kaliningrad doctors Elina Sushkevich and Helena Belaya, prinarodno expelled me from a conference hall. The hall gasped with bewilderment: for what? The children's doctor of the world sitting near me the Hero of work Russian Federation Leonid Roshal tried to tell something. The word to it did not pledge. It left after me. Declared a five-minute break. Here I will notice RG: at the first meeting of Regional court of Moscow on the Kaliningrad business - - was a week ago 12 listeners. On...