In the Urals of obkhamivshiya of volunteers the son of the deputy was withdrawn from elections

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The volunteer of local autoclub placed in social networks video which has imprinted as 21-year-old Aleksandrin Yegor is rude her and to her colleagues, calls their cars "buckets", "person", volunteers "dirt" then orders them to leave. Incident drew attention of the head of the region. Yevgeny Kuyvashev considers that the young independent candidate "deserves only clips", in parliament he "has nothing to do". As the representative of Sverdlovsk regional office reported "United Russia" Party Bestfater Maxime, after history with volunteers the son of the acting deputy of a thought of Asbestos Aleksandrin Yegor withdrew the candidacy with...
Aleksandrin Yegor
Yevgeny Kuyvashev
Bestfater Maxime