Olaf Sholts told about the frequency of campaigns in a shower against an appeal about economy

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Olaf Sholts (Photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images) the Chancellor Germany Olaf Sholts declared that takes a shower every day, against recommendations of the government to save water, transfers newspaper "Bild". The question to the chancellor was asked by one of guests of the Open Day. "The federal government made to us recommendations as often it is necessary to take a shower. And how often you accept it? " — she asked. "Every day! " — Olaf Sholts answered. The vice-chancellor Germany, the minister of affairs of economy and protection of climate Robert Khabek in interview of Spiegel told earlier that began to spend less time in soul for the sake of solidarity with an appeal of its department...
Robert Khabek
Last position: Vice-chancellor (Government of Federative Republic of Germany)
Olaf Sholts
Last position: Federal chancellor (Government of Federative Republic of Germany)
Rayner Hoffman
Last position: Member of the supervisory board (Bayer AG)