New celebrities: who from residents of Kurgan acts in in big film and Russian Federation] appears on the best stage

@Kurgan i kurgantsy
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We will tell about been born in Kurgan and become known on all stranuzapis New celebrities: who from residents of Kurgan acts in in big film and Russian Federation for the first time appears on the best stages there were News of Kurgan and Kurgan Region - the Kurgan newspaper and residents of Kurgan...
Youri Nikolaevich Galtsev
Last position: Artistic director (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Theater Estrady named after Arkadiya Raykina")
Maxime Aleksandrovich Fadeev
Last position: Musical producer, composer, director, singer
Julia Savicheva
Last position: Singer
Helena Temnikova
Last position: Singer
Irina Patrakova
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)